
Stunning new book showcases cuisines of the Alps

Meredith Erickson’s ‘Alpine Cooking’ is so much more than a cookbook.
November 13, 2019 3:30 p.m. EST
November 13, 2019 3:30 p.m. EST
Even if you've never had the chance to travel through the Alps, you now have a chance to fully immerse yourself in the cuisine. Meredith Erickson, a.k.a the Queen of Cookbooks, has written her first solo cookbook, the gorgeously scenic Alpine Cooking: Recipes and Stories from Europe's Grand Mountaintops, and it has already been described as a "must-have for every ski bum foodie". With information on what wines to drink, where to stay, what to eat, and how to get from place to place, complete with photographs by her photographer Christina Holmes, captivating recipes, and maps of each region, which you can tear out and take with you, this is a must-have.To give us all a sneak peak of this amazing cookbook, Meredith brought us three scrumptious recipes to try at home. Check them out below, and don't forget to click on the video above to watch our chat with her!

Bread soup with chicory and egg

Fondue neuchâtel

Wiener schnitzel